Phonetics - Speech Mechanism

Phonetics - Speech Mechanism

               The mechanism involved in the production of speech is called speech mechanism. Egressive pulmonary air stream is used for the production of English sounds. The air reaches the lungs through the wind pipe and when the lungs contracts, the air which comes from the lungs passes through the wind pipe and reaches the larynx. In the larynx the air passes through the gap between the vocal cords. When the vocal cords vibrate during the production of sound, it becomes the voiced sound. If the vocal cord do not vibrate during the production of the sound, it becomes the unvoiced sound. In the pharynx the air undergoes modifications due to the operations of the soft palate. If the soft palate is lowered, the air passes through the nasal cavity and nasal sound is produced. If the soft palate is raised, the air passes through the mouth and oral sound is produced.


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